Tuesday 5 June 2012

Sold! / Solgt!

This is the first card I've sold! I am so pleased! hehe :)
A friend of mine ordered this one for a christening, and she was very happy with the finished product :) Great colours and personalised with the childs name and the date.

Dette er det første kortet jeg har solgt! Jeg er så fornøyd! Hehe :)
En venninne bestilte dette kortet til en dåp, og hun var veldig fornøyd med resultatet. Flotte farger og personliggjort med barnets navn og dato.


  1. Hi Maggie! It's been a real pleasure for me to browse through your lovely blog! You have some wonderfully inspirational cards and projects!
    Congratulations on your card commission! It came out beautiful!
    I am your newest Follower!
    Warmest Hugs, Sheryl

    1. Thank you so much! Always nice to hear that someone likes my projects, makes me want to run and make more!
      Thanks for following me!
